DISCLOSURE: The benevolence fund is intended as a source of last resort, to be used when the family or individual requesting assistance has explored all other possibilities of help from family, friends, savings, or investments. It is intended to be a temporary help during a time of crisis. Do not submit SIN numbers, identification documents, banking account numbers or other sensitive information via this form. Limit of one benevolence application per family per calendar year. Submission of a benevolence application is not a guarantee of funds. Benevolence awards are generally not paid in cash, and are paid directly to service providers (landlord, utility provider, etc.). Any approved benevolence amounts not taken advantage of and awarded within 60 days of approval may be canceled and no longer valid. Please be prompt in providing any requested additional information to aid in payment.
It is very important to MVMNT Church that we are utilizing money that is given by those in the church body in an orderly fashion, with discretion and wisdom. Your cooperation allows us to determine the best way to assist you.
I acknowledge that the recipient is personally and solely responsible for all taxes, fees, or other costs associated with the donation where applicable.
I or the recipient will not pursue any legal action against MVMNT Church or its employees due to gift losses, damages, etc. I voluntarily assume all legal responsibilities and risks associated with accepting the donation(s). I also understand that this donation is not transferrable to the estate of the recipient and can only be amended in writing as agreed upon by both parties.
Furthermore, I understand that delivery time frames are subject to availability of supplier. By signing this statement, I understand that MVMNT Church bears no liability in regards to the performance and longevity of received gifts and are released of all responsibility upon acceptance by the recipient. I have read and fully understand all information stated above. I also certify that I am 18 years of age or older.
Please note: Our pastoral staff does not make gifting decisions for benevolence requests.
If you have further questions, please email: