Dream Team

What is the Dream Team?

Our Dream Team are the people who serve week in and and week out to make the dream and ministry of MVMNT Church a reality.

They are a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts in order to serve others and to be a part of something bigger than themselves. We believe that we are called to love and serve other people just like Jesus did. As a Dream Teamer, we believe that every member is a minister, and every task is important. From leading worship, to serving with our MVMNT Kids Team, to making coffee or welcoming first time guests on our Guest Experience Team — we are a group of people that intentionally advance the Kingdom of God.

To find more information about our Dream Team and to start serving simply click the button below:

Dream Team FAQ

Who can serve on the Dream Team?

There are positions on our Dream Team for everyone. Whether you've never served in a church before or if you have served for year, we have a place for you to plug in, get connected, and make a difference.

How do I serve with kids & students?

Because safety is a top priority for our MVMNT Kids and MVMNT Youth ministries, we require every person who wants to serve with kids and youth to pass a background check before serving.

Can my kids serve on the Dream Team?

Absolutely! Because we have kids church available for 5th grade and under every Sunday, we encourage students to join the Dream Team once they are in sixth grade.

How do I serve with worship?

While the majority of our teams do not have any prerequisites, we do have an audition process for people who want to serve on the worship team.

Interested in joining our Dream Team?

We love to help you get connected. Please fill out the form below.

Join The Dream Team