Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We strategically partner with serval organizations to help meet needs, make disciples, and build the church across our nation and the world:

ARC exists to see a thriving church in every community, reaching people with the message of Jesus.
To learn more about ARC, you can go to: https://www.arcchurches.com/
To learn more about ARC, you can go to: https://www.arcchurches.com/

Convoy of Hope
Convoy of Hope is a faith-based organization with a driving passion to feed the world through children’s feeding initiatives, community outreach, and disaster response.
In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.
In partnership with local churches, businesses, civic organizations, and government agencies, Convoy strategically offers help and hope to communities around the world.

Middle East Missions
MVMNT supports a missionary couple serving the populations of the Middle East. They are involved in evangelism and discipleship via social media, mentoring, and church planting.