Prayer Changes Us
First Wednesday of every month from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
Our Prayer Service is a dedicated time to immerse yourself in prayer, worship, and seeking God's presence. It's an opportunity to deepen your prayer life, connect with others in prayer, and experience the power of collective worship. Whether you're new to prayer or looking to enhance your existing practice, this service is designed to help you grow spiritually by fully engaging in prayer.
Learn to Pray. Be in Prayer.
The best way to learn and grow in prayer is through practice and community. Join us to experience the richness of prayer and learn how to incorporate it into your daily life.
Start the evening with uplifting worship to set the tone for a time of prayer.
Guided Prayer
Participate in structured prayer that guides you through different aspects of communication with God.
Engage in a meaningful time of communion, reflecting on the sacrifice of Jesus and our connection with Him.
Open Prayer Time
space for personal and communal prayer, where you can bring your needs, concerns, and praises before God.
The Entire Church
Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in the Prayer Service.
Families are encouraged to come together and experience this time of prayer.
While the service is geared toward adults and older children, we offer limited childcare to ensure that parents can fully engage in the service.